September 12-13 NC Maintenance Trip — Cancelled
When: Thursday/Friday, September 12-13, 2024
Where: Overnight Wilderness Camping Work Trip in the Joyce Kilmer Slickrock Wilderness
Where: Big Fat Gap >> Tapoco Lodge
Camping: Nichols Cove
Plan for the Trip: The total length of the trail is 6.2 miles over two days. This will be a strenuous trip using crosscut saw in the Wilderness, so anyone interested in this hike needs to contact Dick Evans at so he can fully inform folks about this trip, including the meeting time and place, and other arrangements. He is looking for four additional folks.
This trip is not appropriate for a large group overnighting. There is not an opportunity for a day hiker to participate in any meaningful way.
You need NOT be crosscut certified to participate!
Watch for additional information in emails and on the BMTA website!
To RSVP Contact:
Dick Evans