A must do hike for the entire family! Emerald green Mountain Laurel and Rhododendron line the half-mile moderately easy trail to the falls. An extremely popular trek for tourists and locals alike, resting benches have been strategically placed along the trail.
As you descend to the viewing platform at the bottom of the falls, you’ll begin to see glistening cascades of white water surging down the 100-foot rock cliff.
If a longer hike is desired, continue beyond the falls northward on the Benton MacKaye Trail towards Rocky Mountain. You are in for a hearty climb and then a long downhill over Scroggin Knob to BMT’s Weaver Creek Road parking area – the hike is 6.2 miles (one way).
In the spring, Catesby’s Trillium, Grandiflora Trillium Wakerobin, May Apples as well as lush Cinnamon ferns litter the landscape along the approach to Rocky Mountain.
Be sure to take the side trail (adjacent to the Rocky Mountain sign) to the top of the mountain. It’s the perfect picnic spot and, when the trees are bare, the views from here are fabulous!
As you continue your journey on the BMT, you’ll pass several gardens of the delicate Pink Lady Slipper orchids, groves of Mountain Laurel and Rhododendron as well as vibrant Flame Azaleas. Rock cairns mark the remains of an old homestead site.
Resting benches, steps and the viewing platform were constructed by members of the Benton MacKaye Trail Association. Learn more about Donating to this and other trail projects.
Map of both falls locations and road access are available at the Fannin County Welcome Center, open seven days / week in Blue Ridge.